Do I Need a worker’s Compensation Lawyer?
There’s nothing worse than leaving for work one morning expecting an ordinary day, only to end up in the hospital or at the doctor’s office after a workplace injury. Whether falling from a great height, sustaining severe burns, or getting hurt by defective equipment, these injuries can be serious. If this has happened to you, you may be asking “do I need a worker’s compensation lawyer?” The answer is “yes.”
A skilled and experienced worker’s compensation attorney can make sure you receive the financial support you deserve while you recover from your injuries. Many times, medical bills and other expenses can pile up, and you may be off work for weeks or months. You need an aggressive lawyer who will stand up for you and make sure your family is taken care of. A worker’s compensation lawyer at Coriden & Coriden, LLC can help. For a free initial consultation about your case, call us at 812-375-9800. We’re here for you.
What should I do if I need worker’s compensation lawyer help?
There are several steps to take if you have been injured at work and think you need worker’s compensation lawyer advice. What you do in the first hours and days immediately after a workplace accident can make a big difference.
- Always seek medical attention. No matter how severe or seemingly insignificant the injury, always get medical attention right away. Whether this means calling an ambulance or driving yourself to the doctor’s office, be sure to have any injury checked out and treated by a medical professional to ensure you’re on the path to reaching maximum medical improvement benefits.
- Notify your supervisor immediately. If you’ve been injured on the job, notify your supervisor or the boss immediately. If possible, do so in writing either with an email or text. Always make sure you tell your supervisor when and where the accident happened.
- If possible, get names and contact information of witnesses. If you are able to, get the names and phone numbers of any other workers or bystanders who witnessed the accident. Their firsthand account of events could be very useful when you file your claim.
- If possible, take pictures with your smartphone of the accident. If you are able to, take pictures of your injuries and the accident site with your phone. Take several pictures from various angles. If broken equipment, safety violations or other such circumstances were involved, take pictures of this, too.
- Hire a worker’s compensation attorney right away. Hours and days matter when it comes to gathering the information and evidence needed to file a successful worker’s compensation claim. The sooner you hire a lawyer to advocate on your behalf, the better.
Why do I need worker’s compensation attorney advice?
You need an attorney because worker’s compensation paperwork can be complicated. An experienced attorney can often make filing a claim much easier and less time consuming. While your attorney handles the legal end of things, you can focus on getting better. Also, if you face resistance from your employer and its insurance company after a workplace accident, then an attorney can go to bat for you.
Worker’s compensation is an insurance program designed to provide benefits to workers who are injured or become ill on the job. This insurance makes up for medical bills and lost wages while an injured worker stays home and recuperates.
Worker’s compensation covers accidents, burns, repetitive motion injuries, loss of limb, permanent impairment and illnesses caused by the job environment (like emphysema). It also covers the cost of doctor and hospital bills, lab tests and X-rays, medical treatments, rehabilitation, lost wages and costs associated with death. worker’s compensation provides financial coverage no matter who is at fault, whether it’s the employer, the employee, customers or co-workers.
To find out more about how a skilled worker’s comp lawyer can help you, call Coriden & Coriden, LLC at 812-375-9800. The initial consultation is free.
Workplace injuries can happen to anyone. When they do, an experienced Columbus, Indiana, worker’s compensation lawyer can help you in all stages of a claim. Contact our attorneys today.
Common Types of Workplace Injuries
People getting injured on the job may be a lot more common than you think. Every year, thousands of workers in the United States sustain minor and serious injuries at work. Here are some of the most common injuries:
- Burns
- Broken bones
- Lacerations
- Traumatic brain injury
- Concussions
- Electrocution
- Slip and fall
- Loss of limb/amputation
- Paralysis
Different industries tend to have some types of injuries more than others. For example, according to the National Institutes of Health, the three industries with the most traumatic brain injuries on the job are construction, transportation and agriculture/forestry/fishing. Burns and electrocutions may be more common in jobs that involve handling chemicals or electrical wiring. Even when a worker is excellent at their job, accidents can still happen. That’s why worker’s compensation insurance was established – so that when workers are injured, there will be funds to pay for medical bills and lost wages.
Contact a worker’s compensation lawyer today
If your life has been turned upside down because of a workplace injury, then you may be wondering where to turn. Medical bills are mounting, your family is worried, and you may be laid up at home or in a hospital bed. If this sounds like your situation, then a worker’s compensation attorney may be able to help. While you focus on getting better, let us focus on filing your worker’s compensation claim. The attorneys at Coriden & Coriden, LLC have decades of legal experience helping clients just like you who have been injured on the job. Whether it’s broken bones, burns, traumatic brain injuries or other wounds, our skilled and knowledgeable lawyers know how to gather evidence and medical records to build a powerful legal claim on your behalf. Don’t get stuck worrying. Instead, call a worker’s compensation attorney today. We offer a free initial consultation, so call us at 812-375-9800. You’ll be glad you did!
Attorney Tim Coriden
Attorney Tim Coriden is a Partner with Coriden & Coriden, LLC and concentrates his practice in the areas of Worker’s Compensation and Civil Litigation. Tim represents clients from Indiana and other states, advocating on their behalf in disputed claims and threatened or pending litigation. Mr. Coriden has successfully served as counsel in dozens of jury trials and administrative hearings throughout Indiana. Tim routinely advises both clients and attorneys alike on the rights and remedies bestowed upon injured workers within the Indiana Worker’s Compensation Act. [ Attorney Bio ]